Jul 5, 2023Liked by Katie Jgln

Thank you so much for this article, I hope it's read by every idiot patriarch in this sick US of A, and everywhere else on this planet. I'm so disgusted with this nonsense already, women have ALWAYS been the superior sex biologically, we're built to be more durable or childbirth wouldn't be possible, but they can't stand that. They're the ones who need to understand their place.

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Jul 6, 2023Liked by Katie Jgln

Does the study explain why so many of the "alleged" modern men will work, and do absolutely nothing else in the house? Some of them seem so committed to being slobs I always wondered if there was a genetic issue aggravating their lazy gene.

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There was a study done- I believe the article appeared a few years ago in the NY Times, as to what exactly men are doing, while women are doing the majority of the housework. Video gaming. Yeah, that's what women want... lol

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Excellent article. I’ve been meaning to cover this but you beat me to the punch. It’s such a crazy widespread patriarchal fantasy, as you said. It’s so weird how people cling to whatever gender roles they can even in the face of insurmountable evidence.

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Thanks Joe!

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Perhaps you are missing the forest for the trees.

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I’m not missing anything. There are a lot of myths that try to frame our very flimsy gender roles as being eternal, enduring, fixed traits of our biology when they’re not. They appeal to some fictional ancient ancestor because they want to believe that’s how things “are supposed to be,” and they would be, if only society wasn’t in the way. The opposite is true. They have it backwards.

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Jul 6, 2023Liked by Katie Jgln

I loved this article, absolutely fascinating study of women hunters. It's just such a shame they referred to women as females.

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That's a fair point although they also referred to men as 'males.'

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The word 'female', what's the issue?

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Jul 8, 2023Liked by Katie Jgln

Female is a generic term meaning any animal that gives birth. It reduces women to a biological function. They could be talking about next door's cat. If they're taking about human females, then they should say women.

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The common interaction with people who call women females are - politely put - knuckle dragging fools. That they persistently do it just aggravates the situation.

Of course, when they say male, the usually include Alpha. Which is based on a flawed study of wolves in captivity.

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I recently finished my newest favorite book . . . The Dawn of Everything https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Dawn_of_Everything . . . David Graeber's and David Wengrow's opus about the history of us humans before the widespread myths created by European Enlightenment philosophers in the 17th & 18th centuries. Wonder if you've read it? And if not, I highly recommend.

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Perhaps there is another aspect that is not being considered.

Broad social behaviours that are adopted by cultures, regardless of time and place, are done so for a reason. They work (pun intended).

To suggest that the heterogeneity is just a fluke, or is just a manipulation, ignores the fact that the shoulders we stand on would not be available if the intersubjectivity didn't work at the time. It certainly doesn't mean that the said intersubjectivity is appropriate now, or will be tomorrow, but of course there will be a time once again where it all seems natural.

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Jul 7, 2023·edited Jul 8, 2023


That said, there are a couple of aspects you might have missed.

- Testosterone distribution amongst the two sexes is disproportionate, thus muscle mass and strength, speed etc ie. crucial elements of hunting are going to be different.

- Functional mammalian glands are only present on females. It be hard for said mother to hold and suckle while throwing a spear after a large mammoth, or at least for the first 3-4 years.

- Our species is sexually dimorphic for a reason. It's advantageous.

- Regardless of culture, and geographical region, the historical segregation of work has been strikingly similar around the world, and in the ways that you deride.

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