I've given a lot of thought to doing an unfluencer series -- posing in my hallway, which we pulled all the old wallpaper off of but haven't had a chance to restore, as an example. I think it would be very relatable to a lot of people, but I assume nobody wants that much reality.

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I think social media platforms could be slowly moving in that direction now, although I might just be overly optimistic.

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We'll see if I'm brave enough to show my in-progress fixer-upper house. I really should write about this! Buying an old house that needs work is a classic way to attain homeownership for the working class (heck, for the middle class now) but it is harder than people may realize. It takes a while and you have to be willing to live in chaos sometimes. I once lived without a kitchen floor for months on end, and I do not mean without tile -- I mean you could look reach down and touch the dirt! I often post pictures of parts of my house that look nice. Or I show our awesome treehouse. I never show the undone things!

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You have convinced me! I'll work on that project tomorrow! Bonus: Everybody will feel sorry for me and send wallpaper funds to my Ko-fi :)

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You always pick such compelling topics and flesh them out so clearly and poignantly. Thank you.

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Thank you! Glad you appreciate my perspective.

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Aug 1Liked by Katie Jgln

"the race was rigged all along"


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Aug 2Liked by Katie Jgln

This piece has taken readers to a place many don't see/feel. Perhaps generational but more likely due to decades of neoliberal capitalism playing out, creating a hard economic path for many but the small entitled minority. It's become exhausting to afford a basic lifestyle. Perhaps social media following activity has become the meet-up space without having to exert much energy/effort/cost?

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How do you do it? I selected so many snippets for restack but the next bit was just as interesting, and so on. Especially the bit about our generation feeling like we're missing out on milestones. There's a bittersweet thought that I feel bad for even typing out loud, and it's that in a "few" years we'll finally be the richest generation and own family homes. not going to say how. but we eventually will.

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I've actually met people who straight up say they're waiting for their parents to die so they can finally own a home... Well. In a morbid way, this does illustrate just how bad things are and how exhausted many of us are from the constant struggle.

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Thank you for not listing a bunch of individual actions we should each take to reduce stress. It is indeed a culture change that is needed.

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Yes! Because that too would have been an individual act and not environmental change. Good point

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"Strictly Pond Paddling" a new BBC series on people's daily struggles!

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Love that idea 😅

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“Floating duck syndrome” is new to me but this resonates. This is very well written.

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Also the law that a body at rest stays at rest and when in motion stays in motion. The GOP adds make up nonsense work to pretend they earn their money and power while enjoying their sinecures.

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This resonated on a cellular level Katie. Thank you so much for this beautiful piece. Your ability to articulate the topic and illustrate with such apt examples is pure art.

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One article that says it all. Thank you

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Very good text, this is a debris from the XIX century as you said

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Wow what a thoughtful and asstute article. I'm going to read 2 x more there is a lot in there.

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I say why who cares what we accumulate in this life, we cannot take it with us. We will probably never own a home or be remotely wealthy, but when we die it won't matter. Ultimately God provides and takes care of us and that is all that matters. I hate the for profit/Capitalistic system too, but living in this fallen world is not going to be easy, it is hard. Life is a struggle no matter what, so that is why i look forward to a time when Jesus establishes his kingdom and when their will be no more sin despair.

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Comparisons - do we really have to love them?

First marriages often bring: They bought a new car, they bought a house, they had a baby...as an aggregate all true, but none of THEM did all of those.

Wanting it all - all at once brings nothing but grief...greed is bad.

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