Apr 17·edited Apr 17Liked by Katie Jgln

I saw the double edges of this sword recently here in Canada. Just the other day, the Minister of Finance (a woman) delivered the Government budget for the coming year. There was much talk of "helping" everyone become "equal" via financial rebates and tax cuts (of course women are seen as "helpers"). But most of the opposition parties weren't buying that and criticized the government for spending so much irresponsibly. I have to think that at least one of the opposition leaders was using those words as a code for "Women are irresponsible spendthrifts who shouldn't be in that Cabinet position", because he's just LIKE that...

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Apr 20·edited Apr 20Liked by Katie Jgln

Traditional gender roles: women are the brood mares, men are the work horses.

Postmodern gender roles: both genders are work horses now. Because "equality".

Reactionary gender roles: both genders are work horses, but women must become brood mares as well.

La plus ca change. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Just say "NEIGH" to rigid and dehumanizing gender roles of any kind!

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UBI will solve so many problems in that regard:


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The motherhood penalty is very significant and still persists, especially when women request to work from home. It's interesting that only when COVID hit, did firms realize that the preference of working from home of women and mothers doesn't not impact their quality of work. This was always true but needed a pandemic for firms to start realizing - https://www.nominalnews.com/p/work-from-home-revolution

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Thanks so much for your work, Katie, it’s so valuable. We have a long way to go for real change. We need more women entrepreneurs and leaders. I feel it’s the only way to change the system is being at the top of the chain.

An acquaintance of mine, Geeta Sidhu-Robb, recently started W-CORP, plainly out of frustration for women’s rights, after another ridicule on British morning TV.

She was invited to speak her views on that train company introducing a “goody bag” for menopausal women, which includes: a jelly bean (to bite someone’s head off), pen and paper (to write your feelings down), and other offensive things.

She was told, on live TV, to just chill and “have a cup of tea”…!!! Nobody saw the wrong in it!!

It makes my blood boil

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Apr 18·edited Apr 18Liked by Katie Jgln

I don’t know, I think if you ask people they will still openly tell you they preferred to hire men because they don’t have to stay home if the kid gets sick and can’t go to school. Back in 2010 my boyfriend who owned a chain of medical practices would parrot the same thing right back to me. He also liked to fire pregnant women because his company self insured & he didn’t want to pay for their delivery or cover maternity leave. I left once I realized he was actually a monster.

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Ugh, it’s even worse than I thought.

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“The wolf caught me in its jaws but when I cried out, others only said I have seen the wolf many times and he has not bitten me” -Trista Mateer

I had a history teacher who once dismissed the gender pay gap saying that to get a promotion, you have to ask for it, and most women don't ask for it. He followed this up by saying every time he asked for a promotion, he received it, so it must work for all people, right? I'm still shocked that he never considered the gender bias, but I guess they never do, and all the problems lie solely on a woman.

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