I'm thinking about how successful I've found beer traps for dealing with slug invasions in my garden, and wondering how these might be applied to the larger issues explored in this article...

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You might be onto something here... 😅

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Love it! Let's turn pubs into escape rooms where men stay there for hours while women can finally run companies and countries undisturbed 😁💃

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Designing escape rooms does sound like fun...

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Mind you, men already spend hours at the pub anyway! And they get to run the country/businesses/charities/health service etc 🙄

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Jun 18Liked by Katie Jgln

I’d like to double down on the assertion that collective action is the most effective action possible, and widen its scope.

Until we make economic justice and universal fair treatment an issue that every gender, sex, creed, and heritage are prepared to strike over as one labor force, there is no chance that we will ever stop competing against each other for the crumbs of the loaves we bake.

Utterly at awe of the lettuce success, as a self-described gardener who continues to produce only lettuce fail.

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Sickening!!!!! But thanks for writing it!!!!!

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'...we continue to associate these traits with ‘masculinity,’ and hence, men...'

Therein lies one main problem, that is, we have such biased, regressive, established notions in our heads that narrowly categorizes women and men.

We must challenge such notions and categories.

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The worst thing is that these ideas are still so deeply ingrained in our culture they're largely unconscious and automatic.

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This is what I was just coming to the comments to see if anyone was talking about. We know discrimination is happening, but because so much of it is unconscious, automatic, and hard to definitively prove, how do we even begin to stop it? Like it seems so difficult to do through policy because there is always plausible deniability.

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You summed up it perfectly in one of the paragraphs! One of the main complaints I had watching Barbie was the ‘reprogramming monologue’, which has always been present and real. How did the wider public find it mindblowing? Don't they read? Don't they reflect?

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When I watched that bit, I immediately thought that I'd already read something like this on Tumblr circa 2010...

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right?! or just by, you know, existing? When I was in high school I loved jotting down cryptic keywords to "big ideas" on sticky notes around my mirror and one of them had 'sinner - saint' with opposing arrows indicating a dichotomy. Should have pitched it then.

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Ah, those double standards - the sooner we get rid of them, the better!

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Gender bias is sooo ingrained. It will be interesting to watch how AI unfolds and if those learning models mirror human behaviour - or actual research/studies on human behaviour. Will there be a 'Mr AI and Ms AI? Will AI mirror dominant ethnicities? ...

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AI is already ludicrously biased. I spent hours trying to get Midjourney to depict female academics. ‘Academics’ = all men. If I specified some had to be women it put them in high heels and skirts, with the bodies and faces of models. The more specific I got in trying to turn them into ordinary-looking women in non-sexualised clothing the more confused the AI got. Men

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Oops, finger slip! Men were a range, women were male fantasies or monsters.

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Ha! Same with video games. “Inclusion” means animé chicks that look like cartoon kittens with breast augmentation— or Malificent.

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“One study by psychologist Jennifer Berdahl found that ‘masculine’ acting women experience, on average, twice as much harassment as more ‘feminine’ acting ones and eight times as much as men.”

Could it be that this is just the way consciousness is trying to make women more feminine again?

Also the whole thing that women do have to “work” is already a disservice to the feminine imo.

The only reason they made women work was to get more taxpayers. There were times when a man alone could easily support a family.

This whole narrative just seems to add more division by trying to make a broken system work. The system is made to divide us, so it’s no wonder this happens.

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Capital chsases low wage workers, if not women, it will chase workers in other countries. It has nothing to do with tax.

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There is an audio file where some Rockefeller guy talks about this fact. How to make woman join the workforce and sell it as empowerment to women, while in reality they just double the people paying taxes.

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Rockefeller guys don't care about tax

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Well Big Money does. And as we all should know big oil is a friend of big money.

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“Consciousness” is trying to make women more feminine by sexually harassing us? I don’t think so. Men are trying to humiliate and crush us back into the kitchen and bedroom, more like. Very few women are ‘made’ to work. We are fully realised human beings, just as men are, and we want to do satisfying things with our lives, just like men do.

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Well, I love my job as the domestic partner. Love my alpha girl and proud of her big salary, too, but I am so ready for her to retire. I accused her of being afraid I’d stop bringing her breakfast and coffee in bed every morning and she burst into tears!

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Have you read „the queens code“? Sounds like you are assuming the why of a specific behavior of man. Try asking why? How can this behavior make sende without painting man as the villain.

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You seem to be saying in your first comment that women can be ‘made more feminine’ through sexual harassment and want to denote the actor in this as ‘consciousness’ rather than individual men. As a women with a strongly gender-non-conforming core, who has suffered a long life of sexual harassment, I refute both of these notions. My TBR list is already overlong and I’m not likely to make space on it for a book recommended by someone who argues as you appear to be arguing above, but if I have misunderstood or mischaracterised your point of view, feel free to clarify it here.

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I am saying that in this setting there are:

1. Perspective by the women: "We are getting sexually harassed"

2. Perspective by the men - they´re probably seeing it in a different light. Or do you really think they decide "It´s time to sexually harass someone"?

3. The truth is just the moment in itself, something is happening there. The system must be understood as a whole. There is impact and intention on both sides, which is probably misunderstood by the other side.

-> This has to be found out by conscious communication, like doing conflict resolution or smth.

There never is someone "evil" in any situation. Our egos simply love to create others to blame. There is always just moments in which something is happening. Being attached to a singular perspective will always lead to problems.

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Ha! You sound like my husband! Yes, there is no ‘evil’; there is only behaviour out of alignment with our essential natures (love, wisdom). However sexual harassment might be framed in the minds of the men who do it (different reasons and motivations) there is a common underlying sense of women as secondary, and primarily sexual/subservient objects. The effect on women is, generally, one of being demeaned and diminished, unwelcome in the workplace, and not respected as equals. Ideas of femininity/masculinity (when held up as standards for either sex to adhere to) are particularly flawed.

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That’s the same thing what happens to men on the other end with women „castrating“ men. It’s just ego in general. I don’t feel it’s wise to blame a specific gender.

There’s an agenda against both the divine expressions.

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They lead in the female dominated fields too… I see the ‘like’ button but I’m searching for the WTF button 😓

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Thanks for writing this depressing article, Katie. Between the glass ceiling, the glass elevator, the glass cliff, and the classic glass slipper, we must get out our emergency escape mode hammers and start smashing up the ‘norms’. One day women will be recognised as fully human, but I continue to wonder WHEN.

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