As a woman exploring careers in finance, I can't tell you how many times I've second-guessed speaking up in group interviews, worried about being perceived as ‘dominating’ the conversation - when in reality, I’m probably not. I also never realised just how misaligned gender perceptions were at the top... this was a great read!

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"...women accounted for just 28% of this year’s Grammy nominees, while men made up 69%. Ultimately, men took home 61% of all wins across the 94 categories...."

Part of that is the fact that the Academy eliminated separate categories for Male and Female Vocal Performances in most of the genres several years ago, likely a cost-cutting move they disguised as a "woke" action. Had the Female Vocal Performance categories remained intact, and a full slate of nominees been available for the categories, the percentage of women winning and nominated would be higher, though not by much.

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'The vast majority of wealth, power, and influence is still concentrated in the hands of a handful of men'

Yes. I don't think it can get better until we get the rest of the men to turn on those men. We need to break through their delusions somehow. They're the problem.

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Well, if I heard a female composer who really broke the mold and made a new style of music, I'd be interested in it. This isn't a matter of male domination. It's a matter of women generally gravitate to pop music and pop music as a genre is meant to cater to the lowest common denominator. Then the awards are all given to just two of the women who make that music.

If Tatiana Shmayluk were to ever get an award I would be impressed and shocked. I doubt she would ever even be nominated. But as a musician she's FAR beyond Taylor Swift and Beyonce who are more performers than they are great musicians.

The Grammys aren't really music awards, they are pop culture awards.

So if people want to show me genius female musicians who are breaking through and creating new sounds, I would be all for it. But that's not what the Grammys are for. The Grammys are social media influencer awards.

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In addition I'd say maybe women don't have to use their exposed body parts to gain popularity. They're not as good as the Country singers of the 50s ... not even close

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99.9% of APA psychological models are from men

Medicines are tested on men (thus, women are overdosed)

The majority of scholarly books are authored by men

So women are moving up.

In 1989 women made 65% of a man's salary for the same job.

Today I think the number is 70-75%.

We marry; who takes care of everything in the house -- and the kids?

Who makes the major decisions (despite opposing arguments by women)?


Yeah, it sucks. Hormones drive the need to dominate. That we can't do anything about unless men are jabbed involuntarily with estrogen.


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There's a whole lot of white male fragility coming out at the moment. Apparently they have suffered.

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Even more extreme when you realize that two women dominated most of those awards. Beyonce and Taylor Swift both make mediocre music, but win tons of awards.

It's very rare that any band I like even gets nominated.

But I think it's important to see how the disparity looks when you don't give it all away to just two people.

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and look how they dress on stage. little wonder they're popular. shake it and bare it all and win

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It is a weird aspect of the patriarchy that women occupying any field at 30% feels like the poor boys are being dominated. I have often wondered why.

Somehow they are capable of listening to men drone on, but when women are talking, and not being mesmerized by his own personal eloquence, is just so confusing. Now, connect this thought(??) process with men who never asks a single question about a woman they are trying to bed. They will believe she might be the one because she listened to him. Yet she was actually thinking about what's in her fridge for tomorrow night's dinner. Or should she order Chinese.

I'd suggest Chinese. Getting off this bizarre tangent might well take decades.

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thankyou - fascinating

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Reading how women are incapable to compete without giving the privilege... After 20 years of YouToo and so on, It give me a headake...

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Great post.

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I think what the media puts attention on can influence our perception. Like if the reportings of the grammies were only talking about women, it might give an impression that the women dominated it.

Or in video games, a minority exists, there are a myriad of posts discussing it, even though they are a random nps who had one line. But the outrage and discussions make it seem like they are everywhere and play a crucial role.

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Brilliantly written and researched. I think about feminism nonstop and I’ve never thought of this! Katie you’re AMAZING.

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The stats aren't really changing much over time. I wonder ... as AI advances and provides input, analysis, general chat, will there be a gender bias or will output be gender neutral? ?

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Powerful and necessary.

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empowering vibe, thanks for the lift up this morning

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