I'm a big fan of your use of adverbs, yay! As a former "Londoner" and former young person I can vouch that things started going downhill after 2016. I moved to Ireland and the housing problem is probably even worse than in the UK due to a shortage of available homes. As consumers and citizens we do hold a certain amount of power and I'd love to see that more in action (especially around elections). We can all be the pain in the a**e (British spelling 😎) of capitalism and privatisation, and all those policies that favour landlords, large investors, lobbies and so on. I really enjoyed reading your article.

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Wow- I live in a country (Canada) with a low happiness level amongst my age group- that's depressing.

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Deleting social media is one of the best things that I did for myself. Not only do I have much more time on my hands, but I feel like a weight was lifted off my shoulders.

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Thanks for sharing Katie. I also believe surviving out there for people under 30s can take a big toll on people's well being. However, the digital world has a big role to play in people's unhappiness and harnessing the tool to know what to ignore and what to pay attention to is essential in today's digital world. Just this could be the difference to see the world as grim or a beacon of hope.

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Well-said overall. Those who blame all it on the phones and social media (which are likely gasoline on the fire, but NOT the actual fire itself) because reasons don't seem to do nuance very well at all.

Sociologist Mike Males has a lot to say about that:


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Yep, living in London and it's not been getting better.

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I've been really fascinated by similar content like this essay. It's interesting to me how different things shifted for today's young people. Phones definitely need to be part of the conversation, which I find a lot of people closer to my age (the Gen Z in their 20s) are a lot more self aware about their screen time. I do worry about Gen Alpha more though, especially how exposed they are to unregulated content online.

Your writing is wonderful!

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